HIV/AIDS Programs
Prevention, Care, and Supportive Services
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 1 million people in the United States are living with HIV, and 1 out of every 7 individuals don’t even know it. If left untreated, HIV damages the immune system and makes it harder for the body to fight off other infections and diseases. Knowing your HIV status, receiving HIV and primary medical care, and taking medications, are the keys to a long and healthy life.
The Ryan White Care Act was first authorized in 1990 to provide a comprehensive system of HIV care, support services, and medications for people living with HIV. Family Health Council of Central Pennsylvania receives Ryan White funding to support eight provider agencies across a 14-county service region. These agencies provide supportive services, HIV interventions, prevention education, and financial assistance to over 9,000 people living with HIV, others who are affected by HIV, and individuals who are at HIV risk for HIV. We work closely with the agencies we fund, as well as key HIV stakeholders in our region, to provide wrap around services to individuals who are HIV positive.
Family Health Council of Central Pennsylvania develops strategic regional plans and identifies any existing gaps or barriers to providing and receiving HIV/AIDS services. By partnering with local consumers and providers, and hosting quarterly HIV Regional Stakeholder meetings, we are able to better manage and enhance our service delivery to people living with HIV in Pennsylvania.